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Tier 1: Building impact and evaluation capacity 

At TIER 1 we'll give you the tools and practcial know how to measure the impact of your service or progamme on your service users/beneficiaries. This means getting your organisation 'evaluation ready' by working with you to develop impact measures, and the tools to collect data against them with.


There are a number of ways we'll do this...

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Tier 2



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Introductory Impact Seminars 

  • Pro-bono training sessions to introduce your team to the basics around impact and evaluation

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Web-based Resources

  • 'How to' guides introducing your team to impact measurementdata collectiontheory of change, and different types of evaluation


Business Development

  • Support for your organisation to embed impact and evaluation into your  work, and make it financially sustainable

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Peer Researcher Training 

  • Training sessions to equip your service users to become peer researchers and increase your reach into communities

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Community Impact Networks

  • An opportunity to come together with like-minded charities to form bidding consortia and other collaborative approaches to delivery

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Workshop Consultancy

  • An innovative consultancy model delivered to groups of charities where advice is tailored to those attending

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