Tier 1: Building impact and evaluation capacity
At TIER 1 we'll give you the tools and practcial know how to measure the impact of your service or progamme on your service users/beneficiaries. This means getting your organisation 'evaluation ready' by working with you to develop impact measures, and the tools to collect data against them with.
There are a number of ways we'll do this...
Introductory Impact Seminars
Pro-bono training sessions to introduce your team to the basics around impact and evaluation
Web-based Resources
'How to' guides introducing your team to impact measurement, data collection, theory of change, and different types of evaluation
Business Development
Support for your organisation to embed impact and evaluation into your work, and make it financially sustainable
Peer Researcher Training
Training sessions to equip your service users to become peer researchers and increase your reach into communities
Community Impact Networks
An opportunity to come together with like-minded charities to form bidding consortia and other collaborative approaches to delivery
Workshop Consultancy
An innovative consultancy model delivered to groups of charities where advice is tailored to those attending